Table of Contents

Thick air

Game progress

Game mechanic actions

Open L systems - capable of modeling multiple plants and the interactions between them at the same time.

Work plan

Game time

Link to local weather conditions for similar reasons


Increasing people's attention span by creating a sense of ownership

Gameplay duration

2 types of gameplay

Sense of environment slowly changes into plant sensed - air thickens


Pheromones - represented by colour, transport abilities such as:

Broadcast via

Decision to concentrate on communication, multiplayer without resource management. Start game with a random plant.

Plant googles

“Glasses” with which to see different views/properties.


Cacti on trollies

Looking at games


PixelJunk: Eden


Nobi Nobi Boy

Noby Noby Boy is an important step forward for videogames as a whole. It puts a dollar value on an experience more akin to a box of LEGO than a true gaming experience. It's a decidedly risky move – providing a plaything that has ultimately very little payoff for players (wiggle 'BOY' around, submit your length, help 'GIRL' reach the next planetary body). It's experimental stuff; whereas Katamari and its variants had a defined structure and goals – something that even the most 'sandboxy' games out there have – Noby Noby Boy's sole request is that you submit your length to the greater good.