Both sides previous revision Previous revision Next revision Previous revision augmented_ecology [2011-08-04 10:54] – theunkarelse augmented_ecology [2015-04-04 10:39] (current) – nik
==== Augmented Ecology ==== ==== augmented ecology ====
**How the tagosphere connects with the biosphere .**\\ **Nature is going online.. .. . .**\\
This page collects research from **FoAM**'s desk for augmented ecology [[http://augmentedecology.posterous .com/|IforAE ]]\\
related posts also via: @IforAE This page collects research from **FoAM**'s desk for augmented ecology [[]]\\
related posts also via: [[| @augmentedeco]]\\
see also: [[data reserves]] / [[machine ecology]] / [[project groworld]]
==== Outline ====
Through epizoic media, drone ecology and satellite sensors nature is becoming a subset of the internet of things; the [[Internet_of_Organisms]] (IoO) **Augmented Ecology** tracks developments in a newly forming branch of the anthropocene that seems to go almost unnoticed; the immersion of data and media technologies in living landscapes.
==== nature mapping: ==== ==== nature mapping: ====
* [[|]] Millions!! of sightings * [[|]] Millions!! of sightings, great array of tools (site can be set to English)
* [[|Observado]] Waarneming international * [[|Observado]] Waarneming international
* [[|Google Earth Engine]] * [[|Google Earth Engine]] planetary-scale platform for environmental data & analysis
* [[|Earthnetworks]] * [[|Earthnetworks]] company, global CO2 monitoring
* [[|Global Soil Map]] * [[|Global Soil Map]] by the International Union of Soil Sciences
* [[|Planetary skin]] for example [[|Agri-Food-skin]] * [[|Planetary skin]] for example [[|Agri-Food-skin]]
* [[|Nasa Greenspace]] * [[|Nasa Greenspace]] looks at global, urban, polar data
* [[|National Ecological Observatory Network]] free and open database for forecasting eco-change
* [[|Bioexplora]] interactive database map Museum of Natural History Barcelona * [[|Bioexplora]] interactive database map Museum of Natural History Barcelona
* [[|Biodiversity Ireland]] * [[|Biodiversity Ireland]]
* [[|Mountain biodiversity]] searchable by altitude * [[|Mountain biodiversity]] searchable by altitude
* [[|]] tracking Whales, Manatees, Sharks
* [[|Technology for Nature]] a Microsoft Research program at Cambridge on conservation technologies
==== ecosensor projects: ==== ==== ecosensor projects: ====
* [[|City spinning]] * [[|City spinning]] sensor projects in Bangalore and Delhi
* [[|Communitysensing]] //(mystery link)// * [[|Communitysensing]] //(mystery link)//
* [[|article]] Urban Pollution Monitoring Project * [[|article]] Urban Pollution Monitoring Project
* [[|Satelite lazers]] Lazer tracking birds * [[|Satelite lazers]] Lazer tracking birds
see also: [[e_farming]]
== air quality == == air quality ==
* [[|India]] toolkit * [[|India]] toolkit
* [[|Mimaq]] Layar based also: [[|tabworldmedia]] * [[|Mimaq]] Layar based also: [[|tabworldmedia]]
== internet of things: == == internet of things: ==
==== epizoic media: ==== ==== epizoic media: ====
* [[|Autometed Drones]] capable of finding tagged animals on autopilot and deploying cameras, networked tags collecting herd info.
* [[|GPS-coyotes]] * [[|GPS-coyotes]]
* [[|GPS-coyotes]] * [[|GPS-coyotes]]
* [[|Super lightweight]] tracking devices * [[|Super lightweight]] tracking devices
* [[|Bee hackers]] hive health monitoring * [[|Bee hackers]] hive health monitoring
* [[ |Splinterfields]] **Christina Stadlbauer** and **Martin Howse** workshop at FoAM on bees/radiowaves/mapping * [[ |Splinterfields]] **Christina Stadlbauer** and **Martin Howse** workshop at FoAM on bees/radiowaves/mapping
* [[|Chris Woebken]] moths * [[|Chris Woebken]] moths
* [[|Chris Woebken]] beetle wrestling, bat bilboard, collaborative birdhouse * [[|Chris Woebken]] beetle wrestling, bat bilboard, collaborative birdhouse
* [[|Wifi buggs]] * [[|Wifi buggs]]
* [[|Monkey with robot arm]] pretty disturbing * [[|Monkey with robot arm]] pretty disturbing
* [[|Wifi-dog ]] * [[|LukaLive ]] wifi-dog
* [[|Boingboing]] broadband internet by horse * [[|Boingboing]] broadband internet by horse
* [[|Michiko Nitta]] hacking into the animal migration system * [[|Michiko Nitta]] hacking into the animal migration system
* [[|The vulture spy]] * [[|The vulture spy]]
* [[|Seals]] * [[|Seals]] Seal tracking Drone (so not quite epizoic)
* [[http://www .boulderlabs .com/newweb /projects .php |Seals]] * [[http://news .discovery .com/animals /drones-play-wheres-waldo-with-arctic-seals .html |Seals]] Steal drone video
* Narwhals: [[|image]] & [[|text]] * Narwhals: [[|image]] & [[|text]]
* [[|Dogs?]] * [[|Dogs?]]
* [[|Martin Wikelski]] * [[|Martin Wikelski]]
* [[|Nigel Raine]] * [[|Nigel Raine]]
==== epiphytic media: ==== ==== epiphytic media: ====
* [[|Ferns]] as bomb detectors * [[|Ferns]] as bomb detectors
* [[|Plants]] grow your own bomb detector * [[|Plants]] grow your own bomb detector
* [[|Talking tree]] * [[|Talking tree]]
* [[|Palmtrees ]] * [[|Article ]] includes antenna-palmtrees, robotplants etc.
* *
==== animals as tech support: ==== ==== animals as tech support: ====
* [[|]] Millions!! of sightings (so good I listed them twice) * [[|]] Millions!! of sightings (so good I listed them twice)
* [[|Observado]] Waarneming international * [[|Observado]] Waarneming international
* [[|ETI UVA]] * [[|ETI UVA]] make nature guide apps (payed)
* [[|IBED UVA]] includes [[|Ecogrid]] * [[|IBED UVA]] **very impressive UVA ecology department** work includes the stunning [[|Ecogrid]] datamodel: [[http://www.ecogrid .nl/documents /EcoGRID_datamodel_v1 .pdf |PDF ]]
* [[http://www.trouw .nl/groen/nieuws/article3354441.ece /Mijn_iPhone__zegt_dat_dit_een_zandhagedis_is_ .html?all=true |Article ]] Dutch
* [[|Plan bureau leefomgeving]] * [[|Plan bureau leefomgeving]]
* [[|mapping ecosystem health]] * [[|Compendium voor de leefomgeving]] mapping ecosystem health
* [[|Biogeomancer]] including mapping software [[|DIVA-GIS]] * [[|Biogeomancer]] including mapping software [[|DIVA-GIS]]
* [[|Gegevens Autoriteit Natuur]] Dutch Nature Data Authority * [[|Gegevens Autoriteit Natuur]] Dutch Nature Data Authority
* [[|EUFgis]] * [[|EUFgis]] creating a European information system on forest genetic resources
* [[|Open Climate Network]] * [[|Open Climate Network]]
* [[|7scenes]] Waag society and forestry * [[|7scenes]] Waag society and forestry
* [[|India forest mapping]] * [[|India forest mapping]]
* [[|natuurkaart]] natuurgebieden * [[|natuurkaart]] natuurgebieden
* [[|stichting EIS]] invertebrate studies * [[|stichting EIS]] Dutch invertebrate studies
* [[|Article]] in Trouw (Dutch)
== thinktanks: == == thinktanks: ==
* [[|Environmental Health Clinic]] Natalie Jeremenko * [[|Environmental Health Clinic]] Natalie Jeremenko
* [[|Design Culture lab]] Anne Galloway * [[|Design Culture lab]] Anne Galloway
* [[|Justin Pickard]] @justinpickard offered many great suggestions for epizoic media * [[|Justin Pickard]] ** @justinpickard** offered many great suggestions for epizoic media
* [[|Power of 8]] * [[|Power of 8]]
* [[|Next Nature]] * [[|Next Nature]] by Koert van Mensvoort
* [[|the incredible shriking man]] * [[|the incredible shriking man]]
* [[|Center for PostNatural History]] * [[|Center for PostNatural History]] collection of gen. mod. species
* [[|Chris Woebken]] * [[|Chris Woebken]]
* [[|Instituut voor Digitale Biologie]] * [[|Instituut voor Digitale Biologie]]
* [[[| MIT mobile]] * MIT mobile
==== software: ====
* [[|Mixar]]
see also: [[e_farming]]
* [[|Urban plants]] research blog * [[|Urban plants]] research blog
* [[|Opengreenmaps]] * [[|Opengreenmaps]]
* [[|Ancient tree hunt]] UK.