see also blender game engine notes
blender notes
- currently for blender v2.33
- blender is a Free Media Tool for 3d modeling and animation
- notes from julian's workshop
tutorial / docs
- interface overview »
- blender basics »
- to setup SPE (currently using SPE 0.5.1.B) as an editor, wxpython is required.
- edit .zshenv/.basrhc and .MacOSX/environment.plist to include PYTHONPATH=“/usr/local/lib/python2.3/site-packages/” (or key/value pair)
- downloads
notes from julian's workshop
(chateau d'halloy 19JUL2004 / blender 2.33a)
- abbreviations
- lmb/mmb/rmb → left/middle/right mouse button
- mw�mouse wheel
- lc/mc/rc�left/midle/right click
- C-vcontrol-
- S- → shift-
- Alt- → Alt-
- Spc → space bar
- Tab → tab key
- split region, by using middle mouse button on dividers between regions
- setup 4 pane view
- menu > system & opengl >
- edit methods > mesh undo > 64
- using the configuration area between the titlebar and viewport )
- hide menu, keep working
- num. 1(z,x) 3(z,y) 7(y,x)
- 1(z,x) 5(perspective mode)
- viewports )
- C-u to 'save user defaults'
- C-'up-arrow' > maximize viewport
- spacebar to bring up mesh menu (eg. add > cube)
- mmb to rotate
- shift-mmb to scroll across the screen
- mw to zoom, C-mmb
- edit mode enables editing of mesh
- Tab toggle edit/object mode )
- rc to select objects in the oops
- oops schematic, under left menu icon in viewport )
- 'u' to undo
in edit mode
- 'a' toggle select all/none
- 'x' delete
- lc to accept, rc to not-accept the changes
- 'g' to grab a vertex after rc to select )
- S-rc to select a face
object mode
- tab to enter
- mmb to spin,
- 'z' to view rendered
- red/white point is pov rotation
- pink dot is object center
- rotation menu > select point to rotate view around
- select by draging box around object (lmb/rmb)
- 'b' key to get into 'box mode' )
- space > add mesh > plane
- 'a' to select
- 'e' to extrude
- 's' to scale
- 'b' box-mode select
- add mesh > circle > verticies 16
- extrude/scale/etc
- 'SubSur' (in panels section) to subdivide surfaces
- 'n' for transform properties pop-up menu, Shift to edit numbers
- '4' and '6' to rotate view (vertical)
- '2' and '8' to rotate view (horizontal)
- rc to select which object is editable
- 'p' to seperate a form (selected verticies)
- S-k cut tool
- make a cube,
- S-k to cut the cube
- select one half (in object mode)
- move the 2 halves apart
- select each of the vertecies of the open side
- 'f' to create a face joining the selected vertecies
complexifying meshes
- edit mode
- select > mesh tools > subdivide
- select face, extrude, duplicate (C-d)
- mesh tools > rem doubles
- Alt-M to merge vertices
- subsurfacing is for display only
- smoothing a mesh
- mesh tools > subdivide > smooth
- 'm' to move an object ot another layer
fuzzy select
- single vertex on a complex mesh * 'o' (adds menu icon for 'smooth/sharp falloff') * 'g' to grab a circular selection from a vertex
surface using bezier curve
- edit mode
- spc, add 'bezier curve'
- 'g' to grab/move control points
- (repeat if necessary)
- convert to mesh
- object mode (tab)
- spc > convert object type > mesh
building meshes from a single vert
- reduce an object to a single point
- C-lc to add points
- Alt-M to merge
- smooth/etc
- S-f to 'fill' with face (vs 'f' for a single face)
make a wineglass
- make the profile of half a glass using a sequence of single verts
- check the object center is at the origin
- object mode, press 'n', set to 0s,
- 'center new'from the mesh option panel
- move profile to align with the axis
- select the desired 'screw' (degr:360), 'spin' (steps:18) 'spin dup' (turns:1)
- click in the xy view
- 'remove doubles'
- 'subdivide'
- 'smooth' etc+
- forming a smooth bend, rather than a sharp corner
- select the verts to bend
- press 'o' for 'fuzzy select'
- 'r' to rotate, mw to select the radius of rotation
- select 'ipo curve editor'
- object mode
- add some objects
- menu on the right of the ipo view are the 'operations' that can be performed
- time axis (horiz.) vs. 'value' axis (vertical)
- add keyframe
- in object mode
- 'i' to insert key
- select 'loc'
- make change(s) to object
- insert new key frame (as above)
- check the splines have changed
- animation window has 'point' (edit) and 'curve' (object mode
- edit points in 'point' mode, can use editing/select tools.
- select object (in object mode)
- press 'f' to get into uv face mode
- selectfaces with rc
- vertex paint mode
- panels 'edit'
- 'paint' panel
- set color
- set vert color
- copy draw mode
- panel 'shading' (f5) > 'material buttons' > 'add new'
- 'vcol paint' button
- panel 'scene' (f10) > 'render buttons' > 'anim'
- 'osa' oversampling antialiasing
- 'motion blur'
- 'anim' button