.x-med-k. Fabbing workshop
on open source personal fabricators and 3D printers, … some workshop_notes from an xmedk workshop to build and work with digital fabrication tools for 3d-printing, molecular gastronomy experiments or reprap / / deskfab.
Part 1. Toby Borland, pix, Theun Karelse, Nik Gaffney and Kurt 'heXman', 01-05 October 2007 FoAM Lab, Koolmijnenkaai 30-34, B-1080 Brussels, Belgium.
Part 2. Toby Borland, pix, Nik Gaffney and … , 12-17 May 2008 FoAM Lab, Koolmijnenkaai 30-34, B-1080 Brussels, Belgium.
- shopping list[s] for reprap > http://parts.reprap.org/
- PLA and other organic and/or biodegradable polymers > http://www.chemsoc.org/networks/learnnet/green/docs/plastics.pdf
- pic programming notes
- reprap software notes
- reprap addendum edits/changes/questions