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  • no cultivation; means plowing or turning of the soil
  • no chemical fertilizer or prepared compost
  • no weeding by tillage or herbicides
  • no dependence on chemicals

  • He wonder how it is that people's philosophies spin faster than the changing seasons.
  • He believes that even 'returning-to-nature' and anti-pollution activities, no matter how commendable, are not moving toward a genuine solution if they are carried out solely in reaction to the overdevelopment of the present age.
  • The world has become so specialized that it has become impossible for people to grasp anything in its entirety
  • An object seen in isolation from the whole is not the real thing.
  • If you think there is live on one side, then death is on the other. if you want to get rid of of the idea of death, then you should rid yourself of the notion that there is life on this side. Life and death are one.
  • In nature there is life and death, and nature is joyfull. In human society there is life and death, and people live in sorrow.
  • The direct appreciation of music is the murmuring of a stream, the sound of frogs croaking by the riverbank, the rustling of leaves in the forest, all these natural sound are music- true music
  • The ones who see true nature are infants, they see without thinking, straight and clear.

Discriminating knowledge is derived from analytic, willful intellect in anattempt to organize experience into a logical framework. Mr Fukuoka believes that in this process, the individual sets himself apart from nature. It is the limited scientific truth and judgement… Non-discriminating knowledge arises without conscious effort on the part of the individual when experience is accepted as it is, without interpretation by the intellect. while discriminating knowledge is essential for analyzing practical problems in the world, Mr Fukuoka believes that ultimately it provides too narrow perspective. In the West natural science developed from discriminating knowledge; in the East philosophy of yin-yang and of the I Ching developed from the same source. But scientific truth can never reach absolute truth, and philosophies, after all, are nothing more then interpretations of the world. Nature as grasped by scientific knowledge is a nature which have been destroyed: it is a ghost possesing a skeleton, but no soul. Nature as grasped by philosophical knowledge is a theory craeted out of human speculation, a ghost with a soul, but no structure. There is no way in which non-discriminating knowledge can be realized except by direct intuition. Abandon the discriminating mind and trancend the world relativity if you want to know the true appearance of nature. From the beginning there is no east or west, no four seasons, and no yin or yang.

  • A scientific testing method which takes all relevant factors into account is an impossibility
  • When reason is applied to selecting foods, one's understanding of nature becomes fixed and nature's transformations, such as seasonal changes are ignored.
  • Like a body in meditation; his metabolism, respirtion, and calorie assumption reach an extrreme low level. In the same way, when madarin oranges grow wrinkled, when fruit shrivels, when vegetables wilt, they are in the state that will preserve their food value fro the longest time possible.
  • The more out of balance one's body becomes, the more one comes to desire unnatural foods. This situation is dangerous to health. The foods that are natural nearby are best for human beings
  • It is easy tot lay out the simple foods of a natural diet on the dining table, but those who can truly enjoy such a feast are few.
  • When people rejected natural food and took up refined food instead, society set out on a path toward its own destruction. This is because such food is not the product of true culture. Food is life, and life must not step away from nature.
  • In japan, not so long ago the daily meal of the farmers in his area consisted of rice and barley with miso and pickled vegetables.
  • A nutritious diet which doesnot include the natural seasons isolated people from nature. A fear of nature and insecurity are often the unfortunate results.

  • A life of small-scale farming may appear to be primitive, but in living such a life it becomes possible to contemplate the Great Way (the path of spiritual awareness which involves attentiveness to and care for the ordinary activities of daily life). He believes that if ones fathoms deeply in one's own neighboorhoud and the everyday world in which he lives, the greatest of worlds will be revealed. To be here in a small field, in full possession of the freedom and plenitude of each day, every day - this must have been the original way of agriculture.
  • Natural farming arises of itself when unity exists between man and nature. It conformes to nature as it is, and to the mind as it is. It proceeds from the conviction that if the individual tempararily abandons human will and so allows himself to be guided by nature, nature responds by providing everything.
  • The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings
  • What is the natural pattern, was always in his mind


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  • Last modified: 2008-10-14 10:49
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