* [[:Hildegard von Bingen]], patron saint of plants
* [[:Hildegard von Bingen]], patron saint of plants
* [[:viriditas]], the greening principle of life
* [[:Viriditas]], the greening principle of life
* [[:Lingua Ignota]], the language of plants
* [[:Lingua Ignota]], the language of plants
* [[:viridian principles]], the principles of [[:viridian design]]
* [[:Viridian principles]], the principles of [[:viridian design]]
* [[:viridian green]], a shade of viridian design
* [[:Viridian green]], a shade of viridian design
==== Plant Magick and Alchemy ====
==== Plant Magick and Alchemy ====
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Gardens are the meeting place of [[:borrowed_scenery|vision]] and [[:on_gardeners|practice]], [[:urban_ikebana|beauty]] and [[:edible_gardening|edibility]], earth, water and air, human and plant… and so as reflected here the field of gardening and gardeners is correspondingly wide and diverse. From rooftops to greenhouses, seedballs to cities - almost all activities related to humans and plants can be seen to fall within the ambit of gardening at some stage.
Gardens are the meeting place of [[:borrowed_scenery|vision]] and [[:on_gardeners|practice]], [[:urban_ikebana|beauty]] and [[:edible_gardening|edibility]], earth, water and air, human and plant… and so as reflected here the field of gardening and gardeners is correspondingly wide and diverse. From rooftops to greenhouses, seedballs to cities - almost all activities related to humans and plants can be seen to fall within the ambit of gardening at some stage.
"Gardens encourage and accommodate a broad range of activities; in substance these have changed little through the centuries and are recorded in garden paintings from late medieval French manuscripts to Fragonard and Pater. Gardens are territories of play - both play as alternative to work or business and play as theater, make-believe, the whole gamut of role playing that is human life. Though this last is not obviously confined to gardens, it flourished there because gardens are special sites of artifice pretending to be nature; though if you were convinced a garden was wholly natural, you were tempted to think you could dispense with role playing." (–John Dixon Hunt, //Gardens and the Picturesque,// p. 263)
"Gardens encourage and accommodate a broad range of activities; in substance these have changed little through the centuries and are recorded in garden paintings from late medieval French manuscripts to Fragonard and Pater. Gardens are territories of play - both play as alternative to work or business and play as theater, make-believe, the whole gamut of role playing that is human life. Though this last is not obviously confined to gardens, it flourished there because gardens are special sites of artifice pretending to be nature; though if you were convinced a garden was wholly natural, you were tempted to think you could dispense with role playing." –John Dixon Hunt, //Gardens and the Picturesque,// p. 263
* [[:phytonomy]], the laws that govern the coming into existence and growth of plants
* [[:phytonomy]], the laws that govern the coming into existence and growth of plants
* [[:phytophysiology]] -- the way plants work
* [[:phytophysiology]] -- the way plants work
* [[:alien plants of Belgium]]: includes ephemeral aliens and noxious naturalised one
* [[:alien plants of Belgium]]: includes ephemeral aliens and noxious naturalised ones
* [[:plant communication]], some HPI experiments based on Persinger's “God Helmet”
* [[:plant communication]], some HPI experiments based on Persinger's “God Helmet”
* [[silent Dialogues notes|lab notes]] from Silent Dialogues, part of Borrowed Scenery experiments in plant communication
* [[silent Dialogues notes|lab notes]] from Silent Dialogues, part of Borrowed Scenery experiments in plant communication
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* entities whose identities got mostly scattered throughout different worlds are the [[:plot_characters_inverts|Inverts]]: displaced, fragmented, confused and lost, on a hopeless quest for id/entity recollection.
* entities whose identities got mostly scattered throughout different worlds are the [[:plot_characters_inverts|Inverts]]: displaced, fragmented, confused and lost, on a hopeless quest for id/entity recollection.
* [[:plot_characters_tricksters|Tricksters]] aim to cause a final rupture of realities, misleading players and inverts by distracting and tempting them into mischievous actions that the players might not even be aware of
* [[:plot_characters_tricksters|Tricksters]] aim to cause a final rupture of realities, misleading players and inverts by distracting and tempting them into mischievous actions that the players might not even be aware of
* some [[:plot_game_information|notes and links related to P~lot]], mainly visual inspiration for the character design
* some [[:plot_game|notes and links related to P~lot]], mainly visual inspiration for the character design
==== groWorld ====
==== groWorld ====
The [[http://fo.am/groworld/|groWorld initiative]] is FoAM's interstice between ecology, culture and technology. It brings together three "forces" capable of transforming the world on human and ecological scale: design, permaculture and technology.
The [[http://fo.am/groworld/|groWorld initiative]] is FoAM's interstice between ecology, culture and technology. It brings together three "forces" capable of transforming the world on human and ecological scale: design, permaculture and technology. In its current installment, groWorld explores interactions between plants and humans from multiple perspectives. It works towards minimising borders and maximising edges between the human-made and vegetal by entangling culture and cultivation {sym}, building and growing {bio} and nature and technology {sys}.
* summary page of [[:project groWorld]]
* summary page of [[:project groWorld]]
* notes on the [[:groWorld archetypes]]
* Maja Kuzmanovic and Nik Gaffney's publications and presentations on human-plant interaction: [[:groworld_hpi|HPI i]], [[:groworld_hpi_ii|HPI ii]], and [[:groworld_vegetal_culture|Vegetal Culture]]
* [[:groworld_characters]]
* [[:groWorld archetypes]]: some initial notes on the archetypal background characters, characteristics and forces underlying groWorld
* [[:groworld_design_200708]]
* notes towards the metaphors, archetypes, and pataphors of plant guilds in the [[:groWorld story]]; also the beginnings of a taxonomy of plant characters for the [[:borrowed scenery|Jiejing/Borrowed Scenery]] alternate reality narrative
* [[:groworld_directions]]
* notes on the [[:groworld_design_200708|groWorld design week]] of August 2007, a [[:groworld_meeting_5th_march_2009|meeting]] in March 2009, comprehensive notes on the [[:groworld_directions|followup sessions]] between 2007–2008, and reality seeds for the [[:groWorld characters]]
* [[:groworld_game]]
* the groWorld [[:groworld_game|prototype online game]]: notes, links, images; the game and its source code; a few [[:groworld_game_location|visual hints]] of the game location, some [[:groworld_sketches|sketches]], notes on the [[:groWorld multiplayer prototype]], and [[:Tale of the Plant Dungeon]], the part of the groWorld game where an individual player plays with their own plant, which could be a sort of 2D (or pseudo-2D) side-scrolling dungeon crawling game
* [[:groworld_game_location]]
* Dave Griffiths' comprehensive [[:research_report_groworld_dave|research report]] on the groWorld game
* [[:groworld_hpi]]
* [[:groworld_hybrid_gardens|hybrid gardens]], a background survey of plants and gardens featured online and in mixed reality contexts
* [[:groworld_hpi_ii]]
* notes towards [[:groWorld mobile kitchens]] and several unique [[:project_groworld_recipes_korzo|recipes]]
* [[:groworld_hybrid_gardens]]
* notes on [[:groworld_sensors|plant sensing experiments]] in groWorld
* [[:groworld_meeting_5th_march_2009]]
* notes on the [[:groworld_tiergarten|Tiergarten]] and [[:project_groworld_kabk|KABK]] workshop and research group session
* [[:groworld_mobile_kitchens]]
* [[:project_groworld_divine_nature|divine nature]], quotes and visual and written notes related to the KABK session
* [[:groworld_multiplayer_prototype]]
* further general compost and [[:project_groworld_homo_sapperdeflap|sapperdeflap]]
* [[:groworld_related]]
* FoAM's groWorld gardeners plant some seeds in various urban sites for Ništa Nas Ne Može Iznenaditi (Nothing Can Surprise Us) in [[:project_groworld_bristol|Bristol]]
* [[:groworld_sensors]]
* "Thanks to Daniel Berio's code we are now [[:project_groworld_energy_flux|growing people digitally]]. They follow fractal, flower, treelike forms. L-systems are a good example of how to grow these human structures with just a handful of parameters"
* [[:groworld_sketches]]
* detailed notes on [[:project_groworld_humanplantcharacteristics|comparing plants with people]] -- comparing certain qualities/characteristics which could allow you to "connect" a certain "type" of person to "types" of plants
* [[:groworld_story]]
* some more-or-less physical humans embark on travels with pataphysical groWorld characters in [[:groworld_travelogues|tangential travelogues]]
* [[:groworld_tiergarten]]
* seedballing shenanigans in the remote and unlikely city of [[:project_groworld_adelaide|Adelaide]]
* [[:groworld_travelogues]]
* the groWorld [[:project_groworld_general_compost_artscience|compost heap]]: miscellaneous links, quotes, movies
* [[:groworld_vegetal_culture]]
* the famous, super amazing and legendary [[:project_groworld_seedball|seedball]]
* [[:project_groworld_adelaide]]
* gardening, games and other things [[:groworld_related|related]] to groWorld
* [[:project_groworld_alfa_sound_garden]]
* a page of the Libarynth that will soon [[:project_groworld_glow_in_the_dark|glow in the dark]]
Luminous Green is a workshop about the world. About the world that supports life today and about the possible worlds that can support more luminous life in the future. It is a gathering of people who can imagine, cultivate and inhabit such a world. People who consider themselves creative thinkers, doers and makers. Who deploy their creativity and imagination to shape a brighter future, disentangling themselves and their practices from the unsustainable and unnatural. 'Luminous Green' will seek out lush worlds and find fertile ways of growing them.
* [[:luminous_green_mediated_environments]]
* [[:luminous_green_notes]]
* [[:luminous_green_reading]]
* [[:luminous_green_reviews]]
* [[:luminous_green_summaries]]
* [[:luminous_green_workshop]]
* [[:luminous_organism]]
* outline of the [[:Luminous Green]] workshop
* "[[:luminous_green_mediated_environments|Mediated Environments]]," article on Luminous Green by Nik Gaffney and Maja Kuzmanovic
* [[:Luminous Green notes]] from the workshop, moved to [[http://luminousgreen.org/|the other side of no tomorrow]]
* [[:Luminous Green reading]], as recommended by the participants of 'Luminous Green'
* some [[:luminous_green_reviews|reviews]] of Luminous Green events
* links to [[:luminous_green_summaries|summaries]] of the discussions that happened during the Luminous Green Symposium on 30 April 2007 in Malderen
* outline and agenda of the [[:luminous_green_workshop|Luminous Green Hands-On Workshop]] in May 2007
* [[:luminous organism]]: notes on bioluminescence, visual signalling, and bioluminescent signalling
==== Misc ====
==== Misc ====
* reading notes on the [[:Archaeology of Natural Places]]
* reading notes on the [[:Archaeology of Natural Places]]
* [[:city nomads]] -- "not an American football club -- it's homeless people and refugees living in the Amsterdam bushes"
* [[:city nomads]] -- this is "not an American football club -- it's homeless people and refugees living in the Amsterdam bushes"
* de Cleene and Lejeune's magisterial [[:Compendium of Symbolic and Ritual Plants in Europe]]
* de Cleene and Lejeune's magisterial [[:Compendium of Symbolic and Ritual Plants in Europe]]
* [[:Flower Arranging]], a talk by Thich Nhat Hanh
* [[:Flower Arranging]], a talk by Thich Nhat Hanh
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* FAQs and links on the enigmatic [[:Voynich Manuscript]]
* FAQs and links on the enigmatic [[:Voynich Manuscript]]
* reading notes for the [[:Vreemde Woordenboek]], dictionary of curious words
* reading notes for the [[:Vreemde Woordenboek]], dictionary of curious words
* [[:wabi sabi]] "Wabi-sabi is the beauty of things imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete" -- reading notes on Leonard Koren's classic book
* [[:wabi sabi]], reading notes on Leonard Koren's classic book -- "Wabi-sabi is the beauty of things imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete"
* [[:weedy_sociality_distributed_wilderness|Weedy Sociality and Distributed Wilderness]], article on the conquest of the "weedy way" in society and nature
* [[:weedy_sociality_distributed_wilderness|Weedy Sociality and Distributed Wilderness]], article on the conquest of the "weedy way" in society and nature