* [[:Hildegard von Bingen]], patron saint of plants
* [[:Hildegard von Bingen]], patron saint of plants
* [[:viriditas]], the greening principle of life
* [[:Viriditas]], the greening principle of life
* [[:Lingua Ignota]], the language of plants
* [[:Lingua Ignota]], the language of plants
* [[:viridian principles]], the principles of [[:viridian design]]
* [[:Viridian principles]], the principles of [[:viridian design]]
* [[:viridian green]], a shade of viridian design
* [[:Viridian green]], a shade of viridian design
==== Plant Magick and Alchemy ====
==== Plant Magick and Alchemy ====
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* entities whose identities got mostly scattered throughout different worlds are the [[:plot_characters_inverts|Inverts]]: displaced, fragmented, confused and lost, on a hopeless quest for id/entity recollection.
* entities whose identities got mostly scattered throughout different worlds are the [[:plot_characters_inverts|Inverts]]: displaced, fragmented, confused and lost, on a hopeless quest for id/entity recollection.
* [[:plot_characters_tricksters|Tricksters]] aim to cause a final rupture of realities, misleading players and inverts by distracting and tempting them into mischievous actions that the players might not even be aware of
* [[:plot_characters_tricksters|Tricksters]] aim to cause a final rupture of realities, misleading players and inverts by distracting and tempting them into mischievous actions that the players might not even be aware of
* some [[:plot_game_information|notes and links related to P~lot]], mainly visual inspiration for the character design
* some [[:plot_game|notes and links related to P~lot]], mainly visual inspiration for the character design
==== groWorld ====
==== groWorld ====
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* summary page of [[:project groWorld]]
* summary page of [[:project groWorld]]
* Maja Kuzmanovic and Nik Gaffney's publications and presentations on human-plant interaction: [[:groworld_hpi|HPI i]], [[:groworld_hpi_ii|HPI ii]], and [[:groworld_vegetal_culture|Vegetal Culture]]
* [[:groWorld archetypes]]: some initial notes on the archetypal background characters, characteristics and forces underlying groWorld
* [[:groWorld archetypes]]: some initial notes on the archetypal background characters, characteristics and forces underlying groWorld
* notes towards the metaphors, archetypes, and pataphors of plant guilds in the [[:groWorld story]]; also the beginnings of a taxonomy of plant characters for the [[:borrowed scenery|Jiejing/Borrowed Scenery]] alternate reality narrative
* notes towards the metaphors, archetypes, and pataphors of plant guilds in the [[:groWorld story]]; also the beginnings of a taxonomy of plant characters for the [[:borrowed scenery|Jiejing/Borrowed Scenery]] alternate reality narrative
* notes on the [[:groworld_design_200708|groWorld design week]] of August 2007, a [[:groworld_meeting_5th_march_2009|meeting]] in March 2009, comprehensive notes on the [[:groworld_directions|followup sessions]] between 2007–2008, and reality seeds for the [[:groWorld characters]]
* notes on the [[:groworld_design_200708|groWorld design week]] of August 2007, a [[:groworld_meeting_5th_march_2009|meeting]] in March 2009, comprehensive notes on the [[:groworld_directions|followup sessions]] between 2007–2008, and reality seeds for the [[:groWorld characters]]
* the groWorld [[:groworld_game|prototype online game]]: notes, links, images; the game and its source code; a few [[:groworld_game_location|visual hints]] of the game location, some [[:groworld_sketches|sketches]], notes on the [[:groWorld multiplayer prototype]], and [[:Tale of the Plant Dungeon]], the part of the groWorld game where an individual player plays with their own plant, which could be a sort of 2D (or pseudo-2D) side-scrolling dungeon crawling game
* the groWorld [[:groworld_game|prototype online game]]: notes, links, images; the game and its source code; a few [[:groworld_game_location|visual hints]] of the game location, some [[:groworld_sketches|sketches]], notes on the [[:groWorld multiplayer prototype]], and [[:Tale of the Plant Dungeon]], the part of the groWorld game where an individual player plays with their own plant, which could be a sort of 2D (or pseudo-2D) side-scrolling dungeon crawling game
* Dave Griffiths' comprehensive [[:research_report_groworld_dave|research report]] on the groWorld game
* [[:groworld_hybrid_gardens|hybrid gardens]], a background survey of plants and gardens featured online and in mixed reality contexts
* [[:groworld_hybrid_gardens|hybrid gardens]], a background survey of plants and gardens featured online and in mixed reality contexts
* notes towards [[:groWorld mobile kitchens]] and several unique [[:project_groworld_recipes_korzo|recipes]]
* notes towards [[:groWorld mobile kitchens]] and several unique [[:project_groworld_recipes_korzo|recipes]]
* notes on [[:groworld_sensors|plant sensing experiments]] in groWorld
* notes on [[:groworld_sensors|plant sensing experiments]] in groWorld
* notes on the [[:groworld_tiergarten|Tiergarten]] and [[:project_groworld_kabk|KABK]] workshop and research group session
* notes on the [[:groworld_tiergarten|Tiergarten]] and [[:project_groworld_kabk|KABK]] workshop and research group session
* [[:project_groworld_divine_nature|divine nature]], quotes and visual and written notes related to the KABK session
* [[:project_groworld_divine_nature|divine nature]], quotes and visual and written notes related to the KABK session
* further general compost and [[:project_groworld_homo_sapperdeflap|sapperdeflap]]
* FoAM's groWorld gardeners plant some seeds in various urban sites for Ništa Nas Ne Može Iznenaditi (Nothing Can Surprise Us) in [[:project_groworld_bristol|Bristol]]
* FoAM's groWorld gardeners plant some seeds in various urban sites for Ništa Nas Ne Može Iznenaditi (Nothing Can Surprise Us) in [[:project_groworld_bristol|Bristol]]
* [[:groworld_travelogues|tangential travelogues]] where some more-or-less physical humans embark on travels with pataphysical groWorld characters
* "Thanks to Daniel Berio's code we are now [[:project_groworld_energy_flux|growing people digitally]]. They follow fractal, flower, treelike forms. L-systems are a good example of how to grow these human structures with just a handful of parameters"
* [[:groworld_vegetal_culture]]
* detailed notes on [[:project_groworld_humanplantcharacteristics|comparing plants with people]] -- comparing certain qualities/characteristics which could allow you to "connect" a certain "type" of person to "types" of plants
* [[:groworld_hpi]]
* some more-or-less physical humans embark on travels with pataphysical groWorld characters in [[:groworld_travelogues|tangential travelogues]]
* [[:groworld_hpi_ii]]
* seedballing shenanigans in the remote and unlikely city of [[:project_groworld_adelaide|Adelaide]]
* the groWorld [[:project_groworld_general_compost_artscience|compost heap]]: miscellaneous links, quotes, movies
* [[:project_groworld_adelaide]]
* the famous, super amazing and legendary [[:project_groworld_seedball|seedball]]
* gardening, games and other things [[:groworld_related|related]] to groWorld
* gardening, games and other things [[:groworld_related|related]] to groWorld
* a page of the Libarynth that will soon [[:project_groworld_glow_in_the_dark|glow in the dark]]
==== Luminous Green ====
==== Luminous Green ====
* [[:luminous_green]]
Luminous Green is a workshop about the world. About the world that supports life today and about the possible worlds that can support more luminous life in the future. It is a gathering of people who can imagine, cultivate and inhabit such a world. People who consider themselves creative thinkers, doers and makers. Who deploy their creativity and imagination to shape a brighter future, disentangling themselves and their practices from the unsustainable and unnatural. 'Luminous Green' will seek out lush worlds and find fertile ways of growing them.
* [[:luminous_green_mediated_environments]]
* [[:luminous_green_notes]]
* [[:luminous_green_reading]]
* [[:luminous_green_reviews]]
* [[:luminous_green_summaries]]
* [[:luminous_green_workshop]]
* [[:luminous_organism]]
* outline of the [[:Luminous Green]] workshop
* "[[:luminous_green_mediated_environments|Mediated Environments]]," article on Luminous Green by Nik Gaffney and Maja Kuzmanovic
* [[:Luminous Green notes]] from the workshop, moved to [[http://luminousgreen.org/|the other side of no tomorrow]]
* [[:Luminous Green reading]], as recommended by the participants of 'Luminous Green'
* some [[:luminous_green_reviews|reviews]] of Luminous Green events
* links to [[:luminous_green_summaries|summaries]] of the discussions that happened during the Luminous Green Symposium on 30 April 2007 in Malderen
* outline and agenda of the [[:luminous_green_workshop|Luminous Green Hands-On Workshop]] in May 2007
* [[:luminous organism]]: notes on bioluminescence, visual signalling, and bioluminescent signalling