Each seed will make on plant. Not all seeds grow though, so plant more seeds than you need. When you plant your seeds, fololw the directions on the package. It will tell you how much dirt to put on top, how far to space each plant, and how long it will take for the seed to start growing. Water your plants whenever the soil feels dry. You don't want to over-water them so just make sure the soil is always damp.The best planters to start seeds are small styrofoam cups. Poke a little hole in the bottom to let the extra water out. Put that cup inside another one, without a hole, to catch th ewater so it doesn't make a mess. Good luck on your planting and on your project!
===== Garginz =====
<blockquote>**Garginz** has been the ongoing archive and reference repository for [[http://borrowed-scenery.net/|Borrowed Scenery]]. Its aim is to consolidate, group and summarise most of the relevant links scattered across the Libarynth and function as a convenient resource for visitors and developers. Within the logic of the project's narrative, it also embodied and reflected the efforts of Armoracio "Bud" Mineuz, the archivist patabotanist character, and was thus also in part subsumed within the augmented reality narrative, while being one facet and eventuality of its progression.</blockquote>
==== Record of the Gent Plant People ====
Conversations with [[:Gent Plant People]] by Imogen Semmler
==== Urban Plant Life: Fieldwork ====
[[:borrowed_scenery_fieldwork|Fieldwork instructions]] for observing, collecting and interacting with plant life by Alchemilla L. Umiliata and Drukpa I. Konvulvul.
==== Human-Plant Interaction (HPI) ====
"We propose that parallel to the field of HCI - Human Computer Interaction, we should explore the field of HPI - Human Plant Interaction. HPI explores the nature of surfaces and processes required to facilitate reciprocal interaction between humans and plants. Historically, interaction between humans and plants has ranged from parasitic to collaborative. However, for HPI to become mutually beneficial, a symbiotic relationship may be most appropriate. Before a Human-Plant symbiosis becomes possible, we need to ask ourselves why, where and how can this two-way interface be realised? What cognitive and social biases need to be overcome? Can we develop a generalisable approach to interfacing with the entire plant kingdom, or do we require localised interactions between different species, ecotopes or alkaloids?"
* [[:groWorld HPI]]
* [[:groWorld HPI II]]
==== Fungal interventions ====
In [[:plan_plant_planet|Plan/Plant/Planet]], [[:Terence Mckenna]] popularised the idea that we can reconnect to the Gaian, planetary Other by embracing a plant-based model of human culture, facilitated in particular by psychoactive [[:mushroom|mushrooms]] and the ubiquitous spread of [[:mycelium_running|mycelium]]. Peculiar efforts at fungal communication have also been attempted in certain [[radio_mycelium|mycelial radio]] workshops conducted amidst the chaos of the FoAM studio. The thought processes accompanying the convergence with the mycelial mind through photonic exchange instruments is documented in [[Approaching the Inexplicable]].
"Reestablishing channels of direct communication with the planetary Other, the mind behind nature, through the use of hallucinogenic plants is the best hope for dissolving the steep walls of cultural inflexibility that appear to be channeling us toward true ruin. We need a new set of lenses to see our way into the world. When the medieval world shifted its worldview, secularized European society sought salvation in the revivifying of classical Greek and Roman approaches to law, philosophy, aesthetics, city planning, and agriculture. Our dilemma will cast us further back into time in search for models and answers." -- Terence McKenna
* [[:Terence McKenna]]
* his key polemic, [[:plan_plant_planet|Plan/Plant/Planet]]
* [[:mushroom|mushrooms]] and their inhabitants
* [[:Mycelium Running]], notes towards an appreciation of our mycosaviours
* [[Radio Mycelium]], notes and digressions from the [[http://fo.am/radio_mycelium/|2012 workshop]]
* [[Approaching the Inexplicable]], the most eloquent stream of consciousness yet on the fusion between human, fungal and other minds through particular apparatus
==== Viriditas ====
[[:Hildegard von Bingen]] has been canonised as the patron saint of [[:Viriditas]], and devised the unknown language of //[[:Lingua Ignota]].// A whole range of [[:viridian_principles|principles]] have come to accrue around the notion of //viriditas//, including [[:viridian design]] and [[:viridian_green|green]], also summarised in [[:viridian_notes|these notes]]. As one of Hildegard's "most potent metaphors," writes Sarah Higley, she describes with viriditas "not only God’s natural world, but all that is spiritually creative and filled with the sap, the //sudor// of divine life" (–//Hildegard of Bingen's Unknown Language//, Palgrave, 2007, p.3).
* [[:Hildegard von Bingen]], patron saint of plants
* [[:Viriditas]], the greening principle of life
* [[:Lingua Ignota]], the language of plants
* [[:Viridian principles]], the principles of [[:viridian design]]
* [[:Viridian green]], a shade of viridian design
==== Plant Magick and Alchemy ====
Various strains of [[:magick]] include [[:agriculture_magic|toad rites]] and [[:magickal resistance]]. Terence McKenna surfaces yet again in his [[:Lectures on Alchemy]], and one must not forget the venerable [[:the_deoxyribonucleic_hyperdimension|Deoxyribonucleic Hyperdimension]] nor its hyperspatial Other, [[:The Dheoxyrissonucleic Hytherdimension]]. Fragmentary [[:alchemical notes]] may be misleading.
* [[:magick]] wisdom quote
* [[:agriculture magic]]: "Forget compost or plant guilds people, you better get some toads!"
* [[:Lectures on Alchemy]] by Terence McKenna
* [[:The Deoxyribonucleic Hyperdimension]]
* [[:The Dheoxyrissonucleic Hytherdimension]]
==== Tarot and Ethnobotany ====
The definitive resource on the interweaving of the [[:Tarot]] stories with ethnobotany is the [[tarot_tutorial]], with supplementary [[:tarot_notes|notes]] and addenda on [[:card design]]. "What do plants and Tarot have in common? The answers are manifold -- from looking at plants that can influence our mood to make us act as The Fool or The Empress, to plants having physical characteristics of The Star or The Hermit. The links can be made on the symbolic, iconographic, botanical, physiological, hermetic and many other levels. Plants are so embedded in our culture, that linking them to deep cultural archetypes in Tarot unveils the intricate relationships we have with the vegetal realm, extending far beyond mere food and fuel."
* [[:Tarot]] links on the Libarynth…
* [[tarot_tutorial|Tarot and Ethnobotany]] by Paola Orlic and Claud Biemans, interweaving stories, myths, legends, history…
* [[:tarot_notes|notes and sketches for a patabotanical Tarot deck]], with links to each of the Major Arcana
* Visual materials for [[:card_design|p~lot card design]]
==== Gardens, Gardeners and Gardening ====
Gardens are the meeting place of [[:borrowed_scenery|vision]] and [[:on_gardeners|practice]], [[:urban_ikebana|beauty]] and [[:edible_gardening|edibility]], earth, water and air, human and plant… and so as reflected here the field of gardening and gardeners is correspondingly wide and diverse. From rooftops to greenhouses, seedballs to cities - almost all activities related to humans and plants can be seen to fall within the ambit of gardening at some stage.
"Gardens encourage and accommodate a broad range of activities; in substance these have changed little through the centuries and are recorded in garden paintings from late medieval French manuscripts to Fragonard and Pater. Gardens are territories of play - both play as alternative to work or business and play as theater, make-believe, the whole gamut of role playing that is human life. Though this last is not obviously confined to gardens, it flourished there because gardens are special sites of artifice pretending to be nature; though if you were convinced a garden was wholly natural, you were tempted to think you could dispense with role playing." –John Dixon Hunt, //Gardens and the Picturesque,// p. 263
* [[:on gardeners]] and gardening as therapy, sanctuary, symbol and coral reef…
* [[:category gardens]]: //hortus gardinus,// a cultivated enclosed area; follow this link for the uncultivated wild world of gardening links
* [[:Brussels plants]] are no less weird than the city in which they grow, or the studios that grow in that city
* reading notes from Deborah Kellaway's [[:Women Gardeners]]
==== Urban and edible gardening, permaculture and guilds ====
Ideas and initiatives that span activist gardening such as [[:seedball|seedballing]] and [[:guerrilla gardening]] to [[:urban_gaps|reclaiming disused spaces]] in the city such as the [[:Church Garden]] project in Amsterdam, on [[:rooftop_garden|rooftops]] or indoors for productive cultivation. Whatever the scale of these forms of growing and gardening, they also incorporate various cultivation techniques and principles, which are represented in this material as well.
* [[:Bringing the soil to life]], reading notes from //Gaia's Garden// by Toby Hemenway
* links about [[:companion planting]]
* [[:Creative Sustainable Cities]], notes from the 4th Connecting Civil Societies of Asia and Europe Conference in Brussels
* Amsterdam Foamlab's [[:Church Garden]] project
* [[:edible gardening]] in Amsterdam, an experimental guide to set up and live from city gardens
* where to find [[:edible_gardens_seed_nurseries|edible gardens and seed nurseries]] in Holland and further afield
* [[:edible guilds]] of fruit in FoAM Amsterdam's garden
* [[:forest gardening]] represents a farming technique radically different from Western (mono)agricultural models and concepts, and for many cultures the cultivation and redesigning of patches of forest to create a reliable source of foodstuff is elemental to their survival
* reading notes on [[:fukuoka_farming|Masanobu Fukuoka's farming]] ideals, ideas, methods and approaches, covering vegetable gardening, herbs, seedballs, doing nothing, and "the original way of agriculture"
* Fukuoka on [[:fukuoka_gardening|gardening]]
* Imogen Semmler's [[:Gent Plant People]], covering many growing and planting initiatives in and around Gent
* some examples, resources and companies implementing [[:green roof systems]]
* all sorts of [[:greenhouses]], and how to make them
* [[:guerrilla gardening]] as urban permaculture, notes from a European and Indian perspective, part of Sanjeev Shankar's reaserch
* notes on FoAM Amsterdam's experiments in [[:guerrilla grafting]]
* the background and [[:history of permaculture]], part of Sanjeev Shankar's research
* Sanjeev's [[:permaculture-research-methodology|approach to researching permaculture]]
* notes on [[:permaculture]] from the x-med-k. Media Ecologies workshop
* exhaustive notes on one [[:project_groworld_seedball|seedball]] making experiment
* example of [[:roof_guilds|outside and roof plant guilds]] with numerous plants
* Sanjeev's notes on [[:rooftop_garden|rooftop gardens]]
* the [[:seedball]] redux -- renowned, famous, indomitable, ultra-versatile, the killer app of guerrilla gardeners everywhere
* Sanjeev's notes on [[:three options for rooftop gardens]] -- detailing container gardening, green roofs, and rooftop hydroponics
* FoAM Amsterdam's notes on [[:Tuin van Jan]], a new public park in Amsterdam West designed in workshops by FoAM during the Pop-Up Park festival
* listing of foraging maps for [[:urban edibles]]
* look here for trails to [[:urban gardening]]
* notes on [[:urban_ikebana|ikebana principles]] and the translation of ikebana to an urban/augmented or alternate reality artform
* Sanjeev's notes on several [[:urban permaculture concepts]], [[:urban_permaculture_kits|kits]] and [[:urban_permaculture_initiatives|initiatives]]
* [[:Urbanorchards|urban orchards]], notes on ways to grow fruit in cities on a medium to large scale
==== Some notes on individual plants ====
* [[:Artemisia absinthium]], a species of the remarkable and mythical wormwood
* [[:Lavandula angustifolia]], or common lavender
* [[:Valeriana officialis]], valarian of legend and fable
* [[:elderberry|Sambucus nigra]], the elderberry
==== Plants Examined ====
Plants examined intimately and close-up… Their [[:plant_biology|biology]], [[:phytonomy]], and [[:phytophysiology]], and [[:plant_neurobiology|neurobiology]]; all about the principles and practice of making best use of [[:plant guilds]] in growing and gardening; experiments and examples relating to [[:plant_movement]]; explorations of [[:plant_perception]] and [[:plant_sensing|sensing]]; models for the [[:algorithmic_botany|algorithmic simulation]] of various aspects of plants; [[:plant_rendering|rendering plants]] in 3D and online; some peculiar [[:plant tricks]]; and contemporary and historical compendiums of [[:plant data]]. Recent concentrated attempts in [[:plant_communication|human-plant communication]] have begun to take shape in the Snoepwinkel as part of the intrepid [[silent_dialogues_notes|Silent Dialogues]] experiment.
* another effort to [[:category_botany|categorise]] Libarynth pages devoted to botany
* notes on [[:plant biology]], chemistry, electrophysiology
* [[:Plant biomechanics]], the structure of plants
* more links on [[:plant data]]
* different approaches to [[:plant googles|ogling plants with goggles]]
* Reading, links and notes on [[:plant guilds]]
* [[:plant_mfc|Plant microbial fuel cells]], Green electricity production by living plants in a microbial fuel cell
* the many [[:plant_movement|movements of plants]] -- phototropism, gravitropism, thigmotropism, and lots of others…
* [[:Plant neurobiology]] studies how plants interpret external stimuli and convert them into internal electro-chemical signals
* light, elctrochemical responses, bioacoustics, and communication in [[:plant perception]]
* the definitive guide to [[:plant sensing]]: sensors, plant physiology, augmented plants, interfaces, products, mesurements, parts and products, Arduino/pachube projects
* visual, aesthetic, functional or partial [[:plant simulation]] notes
* special [[:plant tricks]] to do with communication, defence mechanisms, use as telephones, etc. (mainly in Nederlands)
* a few random [[:plantlife]] links
* the sensational reporting of [[:plants in the news]]
* simulating plants in [[:algorithmic botany]], notes from a research gathering on groWorld
* the bloodthirsty savagery of [[:carnivorous plants]]
* FoAM's own [[:weather station]], originally located on the roof of the Vooruit at Gent, now on the rooftop of the FoAM Brussels studio (and mainly out of commission)
* using lindenmayer systems and genetic algorithms in [[:simulating photosynthesis]]
* reading notes on [[:secret_life_of_plants|The Secret Life of Plants]] by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird
* notes on the shape of plants in [[:phytomorphology]]
* [[:phytonomy]], the laws that govern the coming into existence and growth of plants
* [[:phytophysiology]] -- the way plants work
* [[:alien plants of Belgium]]: includes ephemeral aliens and noxious naturalised ones
* [[:plant communication]], some HPI experiments based on Persinger's “God Helmet”
* [[silent Dialogues notes|lab notes]] from Silent Dialogues, part of Borrowed Scenery experiments in plant communication
* [[:ethnobotany]], the study of the relationship between people and plants, most commonly referring to the study of indigenous uses of plants
==== Augmented Ecology ====
Augmented ecology encompasses everything to do with the mapping and geotagging of ecological features such as edible plants. It can be on a small scale with the objective of [[:augmented_foraging|gleaning]] and [[:augmented_foraging|foraging]] for urban food with the help of mobile apps such as [[:grazing_hermits|Boskoi]], or it can involve the long-term measurement of environmental and ecological systems on a [[:augmented_ecology|global scale]].
* Links to all things concerning [[:augmented_ecology]]: nature and phenology mapping, epizoic media, smart cities, etc.
* [[:Augmented foraging]] combines the time-honoured practice of foraging with open source, mobile media applications, mapping the edible landscape within the urban
* [[:Augmented gleaning|gleaning]] is the act of collecting leftover crops from farmers' fields after they have been commercially harvested or from fields where it is not economically profitable to harvest
* [[:Geodislocation]], maps in the subjunctive
* [[:Geolocation]], maps in the indicative: physical locations, Googleisms, mechanisms, cartography
* [[:GIS]], open software for GIS applications
* [[:Green apps]], mobile phone apps with an environmental or ecological focus
* In the [[:Media Ecologies workshop]] FoAM, nadine and OKNO explored media and media technologies as a deeply networked ecosystem
* "On one of my explorations through hagiographic literature in the Central Library of Amsterdam, I came across a text which mentioned a piece of very very odd behaviour, where early Christians literally joined a flock of [[:grazing hermits]]."
==== Plant People and Games ====
The wacky world of games about, by, for or with plants. Combines alternate reality games, speculative fiction, (pseudo)scientific research and instrumentology, magiK realism, mycology, invented languages, and all things in between. In plant games you can become a plant, talk to one, immerse yourself in plant time and space, or explore various technologies for plant communication.
* technical stuff about [[:Plant Ears]]
* a prototype [[:plant game]] to help us start thinking and playing like plants
* notes and further reading about the [[:alternate reality game]]
* [[:Becoming Plant People]], a short scifi story by Rachel Armstrong
* [[:multispecies ethnography]] studies the host of organisms whose lives and deaths are linked to human social worlds
* Lionel Billiet's [[:parn_project_lionel|working lab notes]] for the PARN project
* [[:patabotany]] is a hybrid between ethnobotany (the study of cultural, spiritual and medical uses of plants) and pataphysics, the science of imaginary solutions
* notes and links on [[:play and games]], including Go, the Game of Life, and ludic research
* [[:Towards a Third Human-Plant Movement]], the peculiar preface to a hitherto undiscovered work
* Reading notes for [[:what_a_plant_knows|What a Plant Knows]], by Daniel Chamovitz
* [[:pluggable plants]] examines "an alternative method to the standard approach of rendering L Systems, where we can still define the topology and growth of a plant by an algorithm, but the structural shape is defined by the texture images used as components of the plant"
* [[:project_tgarden|TGarden]] was an interdisciplinary project exploring methods of artistic expression and social interaction in mixed reality
* [[:Red Leaf]] is a proposed counterpoint, critique (and homage) to Zynga's Farmville
* extensive notes and "braindump" towards a [[:redleaf_funware_proposal|proposal for the Red Leaf game]]
* [[:Redleaf game design]], now mogrified to [[:GerminationX game design]]
* "highly unstructured" notes on [[:tale_of_the_vegetal_meeting_notes|vegetal meeting]]
* initial notes towards a game implementation of [[:tale_of_vegetal_time|vegetal time]]
* [[:Zizim]], which has been now largely mogrified elsewhere
* the [[:language of flowers]], reading notes to the Encyclopedia of Superstitions, Folklore, and the Occoult Sciences of the World
* [[:fungus|aphorisms concerning fungi]]
* "On the central planet, Klim discovers a happy and prosperous utopian land of intelligent, mobile trees" in [[:Tree People of Potu]]
* [[:urban games]] notes
=== Germination X ===
Germination X is "a permaculture game for social networking platforms" and was a fertile spinoff of research into robot social intelligence initially conducted for the [[:project_lirec|LIREC]] project, incorporating a state-of-the-art AI system based on [[lirec:Fatima]]. The basic concept of GerminationX is that you can sew seeds and see other players' plants, which grow along the lines of a model that simulates companion planting. The plant species represented in the game should be local, interesting or endangered, as well as more "popular" kinds. You have a guide or companion who assists you to companion plant, but players themselves never meet directly through the game – though they become indirectly aware of one another through their planting activities. Though it is big, you can only encounter a small part of the game world at a time.
* summary of [[:germinationx|Germination X]] pages
* notes on the [[:germinationx_companion|companion (software) agents]] in Germination X, their agent minds, and possible scenarios within the game design
* references, general ideas, game sketches and social elements involved in the [[:germinationx_game_design|Germination X game design]]; also references concepts in permaculture and how to model these within the game
* the symbolism, mythology, inspiration and aesthetic elements of the [[:germinationx_plant_spirit_design|plant spirit designs]] in Germination X
* ideal-typical scenarios of [[:germinationx_user_stories|user engagement]] with the game
* the quirky and unusual aesthetic inspiration for the game's [[:germinationx_visual_design|visual design]]
=== P~lot ===
[[http://fo.am/plot/|P~lot]] or Play Lab on Open Grown Territories brought together a motley crew of artists, designers, students, theorists and enthusiasts in the tiny Istrian village of Groznjan. P~lot was a workshop designed to examine the “play” and “games” as tools for mixing physical and digital realities. The workshop had two strands, called Gamespace and Playspace. Gamespace was designed to enhance creative skills in the field of online game development, specifically looking at context-based gaming environments, rooted in existing places such as the village of Groznjan.
* summary of the [[:plot_world_context|P~lot world and backstory]]: the 01 Continuum, ruptured reality membranes, gameSpace and playSpace, and an outline of the dieties
* the slowly decaying and ossifying [[:plot_characters_deities|Deities]] of the 01 Continuum, such as the Unplugged Rechargeable Fairy: entities who used to exist betwixt realities, but have lost most of their powers in the rupture of the membranes
* the [[:plot_characters_familiars|Familiars]] work towards reconnecting the 01 continuum by facilitating and incrementing passages through the ruptured realities
* [[:plot_characters_guides|Guides]] are the storytellers, telling tales of the worlds, steering travellers and players towards their own newly adapted beliefs
* entities whose identities got mostly scattered throughout different worlds are the [[:plot_characters_inverts|Inverts]]: displaced, fragmented, confused and lost, on a hopeless quest for id/entity recollection.
* [[:plot_characters_tricksters|Tricksters]] aim to cause a final rupture of realities, misleading players and inverts by distracting and tempting them into mischievous actions that the players might not even be aware of
* some [[:plot_game|notes and links related to P~lot]], mainly visual inspiration for the character design
==== groWorld ====
The [[http://fo.am/groworld/|groWorld initiative]] is FoAM's interstice between ecology, culture and technology. It brings together three "forces" capable of transforming the world on human and ecological scale: design, permaculture and technology. In its current installment, groWorld explores interactions between plants and humans from multiple perspectives. It works towards minimising borders and maximising edges between the human-made and vegetal by entangling culture and cultivation {sym}, building and growing {bio} and nature and technology {sys}.
* summary page of [[:project groWorld]]
* Maja Kuzmanovic and Nik Gaffney's publications and presentations on human-plant interaction: [[:groworld_hpi|HPI i]], [[:groworld_hpi_ii|HPI ii]], and [[:groworld_vegetal_culture|Vegetal Culture]]
* [[:groWorld archetypes]]: some initial notes on the archetypal background characters, characteristics and forces underlying groWorld
* notes towards the metaphors, archetypes, and pataphors of plant guilds in the [[:groWorld story]]; also the beginnings of a taxonomy of plant characters for the [[:borrowed scenery|Jiejing/Borrowed Scenery]] alternate reality narrative
* notes on the [[:groworld_design_200708|groWorld design week]] of August 2007, a [[:groworld_meeting_5th_march_2009|meeting]] in March 2009, comprehensive notes on the [[:groworld_directions|followup sessions]] between 2007–2008, and reality seeds for the [[:groWorld characters]]
* the groWorld [[:groworld_game|prototype online game]]: notes, links, images; the game and its source code; a few [[:groworld_game_location|visual hints]] of the game location, some [[:groworld_sketches|sketches]], notes on the [[:groWorld multiplayer prototype]], and [[:Tale of the Plant Dungeon]], the part of the groWorld game where an individual player plays with their own plant, which could be a sort of 2D (or pseudo-2D) side-scrolling dungeon crawling game
* Dave Griffiths' comprehensive [[:research_report_groworld_dave|research report]] on the groWorld game
* [[:groworld_hybrid_gardens|hybrid gardens]], a background survey of plants and gardens featured online and in mixed reality contexts
* notes towards [[:groWorld mobile kitchens]] and several unique [[:project_groworld_recipes_korzo|recipes]]
* notes on [[:groworld_sensors|plant sensing experiments]] in groWorld
* notes on the [[:groworld_tiergarten|Tiergarten]] and [[:project_groworld_kabk|KABK]] workshop and research group session
* [[:project_groworld_divine_nature|divine nature]], quotes and visual and written notes related to the KABK session
* further general compost and [[:project_groworld_homo_sapperdeflap|sapperdeflap]]
* FoAM's groWorld gardeners plant some seeds in various urban sites for Ništa Nas Ne Može Iznenaditi (Nothing Can Surprise Us) in [[:project_groworld_bristol|Bristol]]
* "Thanks to Daniel Berio's code we are now [[:project_groworld_energy_flux|growing people digitally]]. They follow fractal, flower, treelike forms. L-systems are a good example of how to grow these human structures with just a handful of parameters"
* detailed notes on [[:project_groworld_humanplantcharacteristics|comparing plants with people]] -- comparing certain qualities/characteristics which could allow you to "connect" a certain "type" of person to "types" of plants
* some more-or-less physical humans embark on travels with pataphysical groWorld characters in [[:groworld_travelogues|tangential travelogues]]
* seedballing shenanigans in the remote and unlikely city of [[:project_groworld_adelaide|Adelaide]]
* the groWorld [[:project_groworld_general_compost_artscience|compost heap]]: miscellaneous links, quotes, movies
* the famous, super amazing and legendary [[:project_groworld_seedball|seedball]]
* gardening, games and other things [[:groworld_related|related]] to groWorld
* a page of the Libarynth that will soon [[:project_groworld_glow_in_the_dark|glow in the dark]]
==== Luminous Green ====
Luminous Green is a workshop about the world. About the world that supports life today and about the possible worlds that can support more luminous life in the future. It is a gathering of people who can imagine, cultivate and inhabit such a world. People who consider themselves creative thinkers, doers and makers. Who deploy their creativity and imagination to shape a brighter future, disentangling themselves and their practices from the unsustainable and unnatural. 'Luminous Green' will seek out lush worlds and find fertile ways of growing them.
* outline of the [[:Luminous Green]] workshop
* "[[:luminous_green_mediated_environments|Mediated Environments]]," article on Luminous Green by Nik Gaffney and Maja Kuzmanovic
* [[:Luminous Green notes]] from the workshop, moved to [[http://luminousgreen.org/|the other side of no tomorrow]]
* [[:Luminous Green reading]], as recommended by the participants of 'Luminous Green'
* some [[:luminous_green_reviews|reviews]] of Luminous Green events
* links to [[:luminous_green_summaries|summaries]] of the discussions that happened during the Luminous Green Symposium on 30 April 2007 in Malderen
* outline and agenda of the [[:luminous_green_workshop|Luminous Green Hands-On Workshop]] in May 2007
* [[:luminous organism]]: notes on bioluminescence, visual signalling, and bioluminescent signalling
==== Misc ====
* reading notes on the [[:Archaeology of Natural Places]]
* [[:city nomads]] -- this is "not an American football club -- it's homeless people and refugees living in the Amsterdam bushes"
* de Cleene and Lejeune's magisterial [[:Compendium of Symbolic and Ritual Plants in Europe]]
* [[:Flower Arranging]], a talk by Thich Nhat Hanh
* discussion about [[:further_local_discussion_about_the_anthropocentric_jungle|the anthropocentric jungle]]
* Ellsworth Huntington's [[:garment of vegetation]]
* [[:hydromel]] -- honey wine
* [[:pataphysics]], "the science of imaginary solutions, which symbolically attributes the properties of objects, described by their virtuality, to their lineaments"
* [[:river of flowers]] through the UK and elsewhere
* [[:seedballs]] return -- the most remarkable unpatented green bombs ever invented
* reading notes on [[:the_timeless_way_of_building|The Timeless Way of Building]] by Christopher Alexander
* the pre-Roman [[:tree calendar]] of ancient Europe
* FAQs and links on the enigmatic [[:Voynich Manuscript]]
* reading notes for the [[:Vreemde Woordenboek]], dictionary of curious words
* [[:wabi sabi]], reading notes on Leonard Koren's classic book -- "Wabi-sabi is the beauty of things imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete"
* [[:weedy_sociality_distributed_wilderness|Weedy Sociality and Distributed Wilderness]], article on the conquest of the "weedy way" in society and nature