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  • Text adventure games could represent a nice way to approach some more

challenging subjects in a way which is quick to implement and prototype, could provide an interestingly jarring clash with expectations of social gaming.

  • Another idea for the AiR is just to pitch some critical/creative use of

people's information on facebook. Maybe take it all out of context, or make a really scary sounding app that doesn't actually read any information.

  • Combination of the 2 above: text based, viral game that shows the user what application developers/3rd parties have access to (mirror mirror on the wall), or one that creates perfect virtual friends (like tamagotchi meets dating site= datagotchi ;).
  • Farmville plays on social obligations and actually all the stuff that makes ppl join facebook in the first place (as mentioned in, it would be interesting to play with this (horrible) idea of “being someone elses crop”.

(200 words max)

(200 words max – please include visual sketches).

(250 words max)

(250 words max)

i.e. what would you like to develop where

The residency period is 6 months, there are 3 locations. We need to list our main tasks, and see where they could be developed (not for 2 months on location of course, none of us has time to travel more than 1 or 2 weeks at a time). Depending on eventual plan, but generally speaking → FIXME add remove etc!

  • research on content
  • development of platform/base structure
  • development of content/script/story
  • implementation of features/story/script
  • finalisation of application
  • testing & fixing
  • documentation of project, process, etc.

I think the most technical parts should be developed “at” piksel, finalizing (testing, fixing and documenting results) could be done “at” BALTAN, content development/research and process documentation could be done “at” nimk??? With “at” I mean mostly remotely but with a visit of one of us related to that part of the project, to have some exchange and feedback from the 3 locations. FIXME seems practical and logical to me, but perhaps it is not ;)

Please send your submission to Deadline for submission is Friday 23 April 2010.

FIXME Send me your CV before friday!!!

  • redleaf_funware_proposal.1271773614.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2010-04-20 14:26
  • by marloes