updates. many and varied
see foam_website_user_guidelines for more current info.. .
AUG 02011 foam site upgrade
there are 4 types of primary content; activities, events, publications, blog posts. other objects include static pages, people, 'supported by', studios, etc
an activity can be singular entity or grouping entity. one activity can be a part of another activity. an event, publication, static page or blog post can be part of one or more activities.
each activity/event/publication/etc should be able to be presented with related material (or links to it). an activity should include text (summary and body copy), slug (named url), a main image(flickr), an image gallery (flickr), 'supported by' line (including relevant logos) summary of people involved, summary of related stuff (events,publications,other activities). i think events, publications and blog posts are reasonably well specified already.
requirements pre-launch
- chronological overview of events
- titles/links for main menu and way to update main menu (add/edit/relink entries)
- blog (i.e. chronologically ordered blog entries)
- overview of publications (ordered by type)
- people objects, linkable to activities, publications and events
- import existing drupal nodes (details required)
- consistent urls from previous site
- relevant data for studio objects
- 'supported by' objects
- 'view full project [+]' → 'view more [+]'
- comments fr blog posts (at least for now) using disqus
- static archive of existing drupal site
- way of presenting home page content that doesn't have an image
- include flickr images as 'main' image for a page
- current and inactive distinction (for activities and events)
critical pre-launch
- all (or most) of above
critical post-launch
- relevant graphics for as many activities as possible
- documentation on workflow/editing/updates
- how to add new material.
- how material is organised and can be reorganised if needed.
- how images are organised, e.g. links flickr sets and project images
- workflow examples (e.g. adding new event, starting new project, adding pics from events)